Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One-Minute Writer: Fix-it

The One-Minute Writer
Write about the time you fixed something...

After a severe storm a couple years back, the basement was flooded in. The micro-switch for the pump was busted. After getting instructions from dad through the telephone, I proceeded to replace the defective unit.

Preparing my gear and the replacement

It was going to be dark downstairs as I was going to switch off the mains of the house. I needed two flashlights and my trusty headlight.

Defective micro-switch
The live wires were no longer a threat but it still made me shudder.

Trying to get a new end of the copper wire
The ends were bad so I had to cut through the insulation.

New micro-switch
Done and the power's back to the house. No fingers were lost doing this.

For more One-minute Writer entries go here. 


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