The One-Minute Writer |
Friday Fiction is your opportunity to write a short (short, short, short) story. Many participants use more than one minute for Friday Fiction prompts, and I don't generally take the length of the post into account when I name a Friday winner.
Moonlight 9 |
"Please tell me you have a plan?" Pepper took another deep breath and glanced around the huge room. It was empty but there weren't a lot of hiding places they can use to their advantage. She noticed a baleful moonlight streamed through one of the upper windows of the building. "Because this place is ripe for Horror 101."
Adria nodded in silent agreement and followed her friend's gaze up towards the window. She just saw a shadow figure ducking away.
"With any luck, Rick and other guys will deal with them before they get inside." Adria crossed her fingers.
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