Tuesday, December 10, 2002

[Album Review] One Step Closer

Album Thoughts

The freshman album had a unified tone throughout which was interesting because even with the slower tempo songs, it still felt the songs were connected with the following song and so on. I don't think I've listened to something like this from my respective favorite artists from their own freshman albums. So that little difference made buying this album that cost me two arms and a leg (joke) and finding an appropriate courier to deliver it to me, worthwhile. Although after seeing my credit card bill afterward, I'd say, Ouch. Lolz.

The album gave me a tip of a diversified range of music styles to tickle my modest musical palate. I noticed that a soloist can easily have a signature prevailing in their tracks for this first outing, I didn't find it yet.  Maybe my ears are not that trained or I was practically in Cloud 9 every time I listened to this album. Anyway, just by the tracks, the vocals were varied that added flavor. It wasn't over the place too. I don't know if for his second and third album, his signature style of singing has exerted itself.

Rate: 5 mics out of five

The Tracks
Next Stop To Happiness   An upbeat song that suggested a person has been striving for all opportunities and finally it paid off and soon this individual was on the fast lane. This was the first song off the 12-track album.

The Way It Is   A mid-tempo song about love's dying embers and what it would take to keep it.