Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Snow White and the Huntsman movie

E-mail reminder to me
I was going to pass up Snow White  and the Huntsman  but after reading this, I changed my mind. I'm curious how Evan Daugherty re-imagined Snow White. I wonder how much was changed from the time it was submitted for the competition to the time it was being filmed. I think I'll start checking some behind-the-scenes clips about the movie.

Photo Credit
Speaking about re-imagined fairy tales, has anyone been watching "Once Upon a Time" series? I can't get enough about the show! The production level was almost like what you expect in a movie franchise. The costumes were so beautifully made. The props were great! I thought great cast too! Man, Robert Carlisle as the Rumpelstiltskin (whew) or Mr. Gold in Storybrooke (hint)! Wow, I hope this show stays on longer than Chaos.


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